

Sharpening the Saw: Strategies for Enhancing Analytical Skills

Formally saying, “Analytical skill is the skill of performing an analysis. Such skills include the ability to apply logical thinking to break complex problems into their parts.”

It is about analyzing a difficult situation and then breaking them into smaller components. This skill is all about problem-solving and better decision making.

So, now, you know what analytical skill is. What do you think? Is it important for personal and professional life or not? It is. As problems are part of everyone’s life. The main thing is how we cope up with those issues.

In this article, we will tell you about ten simple, efficient, and effective tips that will help you to improve your analytical thinking skills.

Be Observant

It is the primary key to improving analytical skills. As it is completely related to the mind. If you are aware of your surroundings, observe things closely then you are already on the path of improving analytical skills.

Analyzing the situation carefully is the first step. Only after that, we could solve the problem in a good way. Have you seen some people who remain completely aware of their surroundings? Contrarily, the other one lacks that concentration power! Why is it so? There are many factors included in it. One of them is “mind exercises”, which is a very good way to develop analytical skills. There are different ways to do that. We will talk about it in detail, in the coming points.


Our mind works for the whole day. So, don’t you think it also needs some sort of exercise like our body? Of course, it needs those exercises. One of them is meditation. There are many forms of it. Here we will talk about the simplest and practical one.

  • Just daily sit 5 minutes in a relaxing position, at a peaceful place.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Random thoughts will come, don’t try to stop them.
  • Just observe peacefully which thoughts are coming and going, without thinking more about them at that moment.
  • Done!

It may seem so vague in the starting but you will start noticing how much it has increased your concentration power. It helps us to live in a present moment. Practice it and see amazing results.

Work out Math Problems

We can just solve math problems logically. So, solving math problems develop our logical and reasoning skills too. It trains our minds in such a way that it also starts breaking daily-life problems into smaller chunks and then finding their solutions.

Now, it is quite easy. You can find many free apps for this purpose. Simply install them and start playing these games for 15-20 minutes daily.

Play Brain Games

Many people just procrastinate. The need much motivation to start something. But, the fun part is, you don’t need much motivation for this. These games will enhance your analytical skills dramatically.


Read Books

Read good books that help us to grow intellectually. In addition to this, don’t just read, keep asking questions from yourself too, related to reading the material.


Even if you are reading some course books then after every topic, think that in a practical way. Think about different scenarios related to that specific information.

Practice your problem-solving skills

Don’t rush in solving your problems. Observe all successful people around you. You will find one trait common in them, what? They take some time before taking an important decision about their professional and personal life. They analyze multiple factors and then decide carefully. Instead of just making decisions emotionally. So, here is a simple 5 step formula that you can practice before taking important decisions of your life.

  1. Identify the need for a decision.
  2. Determine the goal or outcome.
  3. Identify the alternatives or actions with the benefits and consequences of each action.
  4. Decide which action to implement.
  5. Evaluate the action.

After some time, your mind will start thinking about all the problems in such away. Ultimately your analytical thinking skills will improve.

  1.     Pay Attention to Details

According to the neuroscientist, “The more curious we are about a subject, the more it engages our cognitive functions, such as attention and memory.”

Our mind is a dumb organ. We are the ones who train them.


If we keep feeding information in our mind related to the importance of health then there are higher chances that we will start adopting a healthy living style too.

In the same way when we start focusing on minor details of an object or problem then ultimately our mind becomes like this. It is trained in such a way that it starts analyzing multiple aspects of any problem. In this way, our analytical thinking skills improve.

Think about things in terms of cause and effect

Many people remain unsuccessful throughout their whole life. They just blame luck. Instead of focusing on the key factors that make other people successful!

If any event happens then instead of becoming emotional, try to find out the root cause of the problem. “Energy flows where attention goes”. Start taking things in this way. Once you develop this habit in your life then life becomes much easy. Your mind will start focusing on the solutions instead of a problem. It enhances your problem-solving and decision-making skills.


Surround yourself with people having excellent analytical skills

Many people remain unsuccessful throughout their whole life. They just blame luck

Our social circle affects us in many ways. We start adapting to other people’s habits. Make sure to adopt good ones. One of them is analytical skills. You just have to observe them which approach they use for solving their problems. Believe us, you will find something new and awesome. After a few weeks, you will start feeling much improvement in your analytical skills.

k. Instead of focusing on the key factors that make other people successful!

If any event happens then instead of becoming emotional, try to find out the root cause of the problem. “Energy flows where attention goes”. Start taking things in this way. Once you develop this habit in your life then life becomes much easy. Your mind will start focusing on the solutions instead of a problem. It enhances your problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Online Courses

We have mentioned many practical points above, which will help you to improve your analytical skills. In addition to this, you could get yourself enrolled in good online courses.

The era we are living in, people have a much strict schedule. Usually, they are much busy. So, online courses are one of the great options, if you want to improve analytical skills. There are many websites like Udemy and Skill share etc, which offer thousands of related to different domains. One of them is personal development too.

Just go through the curriculum of each course before buying it. Try to find the course in which an instructor is giving you small tasks instead of just delivering theoretical content. It will help you in enhancing your analytical skills.

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